Our services
for your reporting
We take care of both the reporting of your AIF and AIMF (KVG) for the Bundesbank’s statistics on investment funds and the AIFMD reporting to BaFin, so that you can efficiently meet your regulatory reporting obligations.
In Luxembourg, we also offer an easy-to-use service to comply with regulatory reporting obligations to the supervisory authorities CSSF and Banque de Central. So why report it yourself?
If you operate across borders, you have probably already had to deal with the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (AWV). Unfortunately, we cannot change this. But we could take care of the corresponding reporting obligations to the German Bundesbank for you.
If, in addition to your regulatory reporting obligations, you also want to comply with your obligations as a BVI member, we have appropriate solutions ready for you for the statistical reports as well as for the real estate fund reports.
With our automated reporting service in XML format, you have the new EDDy interface to the EDDy Information Center (EIC) of WM Datenservice under control and provide your investors with the latest portfolio data easily and efficiently.
We automatically provide your investors from the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe with your mandatory fund data in CSV format on a monthly basis via our own access to the AIMF (KVG) interface of Finanz Informatik.
If CRR institutions such as regional banks, savings banks or credit institutions are among your investors, we should have a conversation. We can relieve you of the effort involved in CRR reporting and calculations.
The easy way for asset management companies with solvency II and investors to transfer portfolio data to the insurance world under the Solvency II and VAG regimes: our fund reporting service.
From problem to solution
How do we solve this?
ServiceInvest as a data manager with regulatory and technical expertise
We bundle regulatory reporting and thus achieve a size that allows us to invest in the relevant job profiles in a targeted manner. The technology used for this is the only one on the market to date that can generically record and implement new xml reports or .xlsx files without the use of additional programming. This allows us to develop economies of scale, which we pass on to our customers and provide advice on all questions relating to regulatory reporting.
Do I then have to implement software?
No! Our customers procure our service and therefore have no IT projects
Our customers do not need to build up their own IT and data management expertise. We take on this work and, with over 40 IT colleagues, ensure that our services are supported by solutions that meet the latest requirements.
Your advantages at a glance
Notifications to authorities, associations or investors contain a lot of context-specific data and complex calculations that arise on the basis of various special laws (KAGB, Solvency II/, CRR/ GroMiKV, etc.). Technical know-how is also required for data delivery.
Questions related to (regulatory) reporting are becoming increasingly relevant in the selection process of investors. We help to find the right answers and efficient implementation paths.
The market is constantly changing: laws require new key figures and reports, data interfaces are evolving.